Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Thank you my first reader mere...

I'm so excited someone actualy looked at my blog. Today just words but mark my words...tomorrow pictures! by the way for anyone who cares i actually ran 5 miles today!


Meredith said...

Woohoo! Five miles! Do we need to change your title? One day it will say "Aimee runs, but only 26 miles..." :) I'll stop by and read whenever you post!

Sislers said...

Yay, another blog for me to read...this is Leslie just so you know :)

Boy, I can't wait until I can exercise again...counting the days!!

chrissy said...

Wow, see, I knew you could. You should train for a BIG marathon for next summer!

Aleisha said...

Does dreaming about running 5 miles count? Great job!